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5 Natural Home Remedies for Tinnitus

Home Remedies For Tinnitus
Home Remedies For Tinnitus

This condition is the ringing of the ears. It is when you consciously hear ringing, whistling, buzzing, hissing, clicking, and chirping sounds that only you can hear.

The noise can be continuous, temporary, or loud. It usually happens after the age of 50, but children and teens can also have it too.

It actually affects a lot of people. Don’t worry it is not a disease, but a symptom of a certain condition.

Since it can be a cause of neck and head injuries, excessive noise exposure, and ear problems.

Usually, the person who has tinnitus, can only hear it himself. The most common type or noise is high-pitched ringing which can be annoying but is not really that serious.

As a matter of fact, only 1 percent of cases of tinnitus may be objective, which means that other people can hear it too. This type means that it is a sign of a medical emergency.

This sensation is a common occurrence, and is not really a serious one depending on the underlying cause. The ringing in your ear actually has a name for it. For others, the noise can lead to difficulty concentrating, insomnia, anxiety, irritability, and depression. Excessive exposure to loud sounds is the most common cause of tinnitus.

Up to 90 percent of people with tinnitus have hearing problems due to noise. The noise causes permanent damage to the cells of the cochlea, a spiral-shaped organ in the inner ear.

This mostly affects people who are exposed to excessive and loud noise. Such as pilots, carpenters, rock musicians, construction workers, and many more who are at risk of getting hearing loss.

But not only noise can cause tinnitus but also other factors, including:

Side effects of certain non-prescription and prescription drugs such as aspirin, antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, antidepressants, quinine medications, and several more.

Build up wax in the ear that can cause blockage and lead to ear infections.

  • Neck, head, or jaw problems or injuries

  • The cochlea and other parts of the ear get deteriorated through aging.

  • Diseases that affect the inner ear such as Meniere’s disease.

  • Otosclerosis, which affects the bones of the middle ear and stiffens it.

  • High blood pressure

  • Circulatory problems

  • Cardiovascular disease

Tinnitus isn’t treatable by drugs, but in some cases they may help reduce the severity of symptoms or complications.

The type of sound you hear can help your doctor identify a possible underlying cause.

* Clicking - This might be muscle contractions around your ear. And can last for several seconds or minutes.

* Humming - This mostly occurs during exercise, or as simple as changing positions when you’re sleeping.

* Heartbeat - In some cases, people who have tinnitus can hear their own heartbeat. Blood problems, such as high blood pressure, an aneurysm or a tumor, and blockage of the ear canal or eustachian tube can amplify the sound of your heartbeat in your ears.

* Low-Pitched Ringing - Tinnitus may become very loud before an attack of vertigo. Which is a sensation that you or your surroundings are spinning or moving.

* High-Pitched Ringing - An exposure to very loud noise can cause high-pitched ringing that can last for up to several hours.

But if you have hearing loss, tinnitus may be permanent. Excessive exposure and age-related hearing loss can cause a continuous high-pitched ringing in both ears.

* Other Sounds - Earwax buildup and other foreign bodies in the ear canal can cause a variety of sounds.

As a matter of fact, the root cause of tinnitus is never found. Tinnitus actually sounds different to everyone, that’s why there are different types of tinnitus.

1. Subjective Tinnitus - This is the most common form of tinnitus. This type is when the affected individual is the only one who can hear it. This can appear and disappear any time.

2. Objective Tinnitus - This is a rare form of tinnitus that can be heard by the affected individual and people around him/her.

It may be caused by involuntary muscle contractions or vascular deformities. But if the cause is treated, the tinnitus usually stops entirely.

3. Neurological Tinnitus - Usually caused by a disorder, such as Meniere’s disease, that primarily affects the brain’s auditory functions.

4. Somatic Tinnitus - Related to the sensory system. This form is caused, worsened, or otherwise related to the sensory system.

Believe it or not, there is actually no cure for tinnitus. However, it can be temporary or persistent, mild or severe, gradual or instant.

The goal of treatment is to help you manage the sounds in your head. There are many treatments available that can help reduce the intensity of tinnitus.

Natural remedies for tinnitus specifically lifestyle changes that may not be able to stop the perceived sound, but they can improve your quality of life.

1. Protect Yourself From Loud Noises

Tinnitus Home Treatment
Tinnitus Home Treatment

If you are already suffering from tinnitus, protecting your ears from loud noises is very significant.

You can do this by simply avoiding places with loud noise, and wearing earplugs or noise cancelling headphones.

2. Meditate Regularly

Natural Remedies For Tinnitus
Natural Remedies For Tinnitus

Stress is known to worsen symptoms of tinnitus. Meditation might not be a cure, but it can help alleviate your tinnitus.

The symptoms of tinnitus can gradually cause you stress and anxiety when prolonged.

3. Try Yoga

Natural Cure For Tinnitus
Natural Cure For Tinnitus

This exercise or activity, is a really good way to strengthen the body and relax the body and mind.

Through doing yoga, you can help relieve the mind and forget about the sounds you hear.

4. Clean Your Ears Properly

Tinnitus Natural Treatment
Tinnitus Natural Treatment

Tinnitus symptoms are often caused by a buildup of earwax and if this is the cause of your issue, preventing the buildup of wax can provide natural, at home relief.

One remedy is using olive oil. You can use 1 or 2 drops of olive oil once or twice a week to prevent wax build-up and keep it moving naturally out of the ear.

The most important thing to remember is that cotton buds aren’t actually doing its job right but instead it pushes all the earwax further which can cause earwax buildup.

5. Run A Bath

Simply taking a bath can relieve tinnitus symptoms. Taking a bath is a chance for you to relax by yourself and help your mind to ward off negative energy and sounds.

As you can see, natural remedies for tinnitus aren’t using natural ingredients or products, but simply doing lifestyle changes that are helpful in managing your tinnitus.

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About Mary Sheila

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Having served clients for over a decade as a Board Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant and Ayurvedic Practitioner, Mary Sheila Gonnella teaches people how to honor their unique physiology, move self-care to the front burner, and achieve and maintain radiant health.  Mary Sheila’s wealth of knowledge has led her to be included as a featured speaker and teacher on various online summits and stages around the San Francisco Bay Area. Mary Sheila is excited to be a part of BioYouth Labs, where she is able to keep sharing the good word of nutrition and supporting people with quality supplements that can support the healing journey.

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* These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These remedies are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Results may vary from individual to individual.

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