6 Natural Home Remedies For Teething Babies

A baby’s teething is actually a natural process wherein a baby’s first teeth will gradually appear through the gums, and goes typically in pairs.
Your baby’s first tooth is quite an important event, but did you know that it’s actually uncomfortable for them?
Teething in babies occurs a few months before they turn 1 and can last up to the age of 3. The start of teething symptoms usually precede the emergence of a tooth.
The usual time for babies to get their first tooth is approximately 6 months or age. However, there is also a relatively rare condition called the “natal teeth” — the presence of a tooth on the day of birth.
Ever been excited of your baby’s first tooth? This is actually one of the most exciting and essential parts in a baby’s life because this means that they can eat normal food as time passes.
It is usually exciting for the moms and dads but for the baby, it can be very annoying which can make them irritable and fussy.
The symptoms of teething differ for all babies. Fortunately, there are common symptoms your baby can experience during teething. These symptoms include:
Trouble sleeping
Loss of appetite
Increased drooling than usual
Crying even during the midnight
Restless due to gum discomfort
Biting objects and putting their hands inside their mouths
Rubbing the cheek due to the referred pain during the eruption of molars
Refusing food due to swollen and sore gums
However, if your baby experiences a fever, diarrhea, or rash during the teething period, it is advisable to talk with your pediatrician.
Since this is a natural process for a baby’s teeth, all babies experience ,and in a different way.
Some babies do not show too much of a change, while others are more fussy and irritable, that’s why it’s common for babies to cry even without any reason at all.
Some moms have debated about whether or not babies get a fever during teething.
This is actually not a fact wherein there are no scientific explanations relating fever with teething.
However, a fever is possible when the baby keeps on biting on different objects.
These objects might be dirty or have some bacteria, and if the baby bites on it while he/she is teething, the bacteria can enter the gums due to the open space from an emergence of a tooth.
There is actually a general order showing the eruption of a baby’s primary teeth:
Central incisors: 6-12 months of age
Lateral incisors: 9-16 months of age
Canine teeth: 16-23 months of age
First molars: 13-19 months of age
Second molars: 22-24 months of age
As a matter of fact, when a baby is between the age of 6 to 12 years or age, the roots of the baby's teeth gradually degenerate, which allows their replacement with 32 permanent adult teeth.
Teething can be a pain in the ass especially for babies. Since medication isn’t recommended for babies especially under 1 year of age.
That’s why they use of natural remedies for teething can be the best in treating its symptoms.
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The cooling effect given from ice is a great remedy for treating pain temporarily. Especially for babies, this is one of the most safest and natural ways to alleviate their teething symptoms.
There are several uses for ice such as freezing a washcloth, freezing your baby’s teether toy, fruit pops, frozen bagels, or a frozen carrot.
Just remember that these can be a choking hazard to the baby. But for some, a frozen washcloth is a favorite for many parents.
Just simply wet the washcloth and put it in the freezer for only 20 to 30 minutes. Simply let your baby bite the washcloth or just place it directly on the baby’s gums.
Chamomile Tea

Why chamomile? You might know this as a popular and favorite tea for many, however, this can also help with a baby’s teething symptoms.
There are several parenting websites showing how chamomile tea can help with teething and is actually an ingredient used in some natural teething products.
This has been used as herbal remedy for hundreds of centuries and has been known to be effective in soothing and relaxing one’s mind and body.
Just take note to only give your baby caffeine-free tea. You can do this by freezing chamomile tea into the mesh teethers, rubbing chamomile tea on your baby’s gums, or giving a few sips on a spoon.
Rosehip Syrup
This has been known to contain anti-inflammatory properties and is mild.
In addition to that, it is also very rich in Vitamin C, can relieve teething symptoms when done in frequent doses, and helps support the immune system.
Through that, this can be an easy and simple way to give your baby a natural remedy without having to chase them around with a syringe in hand.
Ginger Oil

Ginger is a very popular remedy for a variety of conditions.
But for babies, only a small amount will do.
Simply take a slice of peeled ginger root and rub it on the baby’s gums for 2 to 3 minutes.
The ginger will help reduce swelling and relieve teething pain.
Clove Bud

This ingredient contains analgesic and antiseptic properties andis commonly used in some dental preparations, making it an effective way to alleviate pain due to muscle tension.
This natural remedy is recommended only for babies aged 2 years and older. In order to use the clove bud, just dilute the clove bud at a ratio of up to 0.25 percent and gently rub and massage it along the baby’s gums.
However, clove bud is potent, that’s why it can only be used for 2 year olds and above, and shall never ever be ingested. If you’re unsure about using clove bud, you may consult with the pediatrician before using it on your baby.
Lavender Oil

This is a popular essential oil and is known to be a natural antiseptic and sedative as it offers calming effects and may help alleviate muscle pain.
This is actually nontoxic, that’s why this can be used for babies.
Just dilute lavender at a ratio of up to 0.5 percent then massage and rub it along the baby’s jawline.